C6 Active Distribution Systems and Distributed Energy Resources
Technology, integration and operation of dispersed energy resources and the associated active distribution systems. To analyse the different approaches and solutions and to assist various players in distribution systems make DER more controllable and responsive (active distribution systems with enabled customer involvement) and enhance the role of the Distribution System Operator (DSO) and its Distribution Management system (DMS).
Technological field of activity: innovative equipment and systems for DER and distribution technology deployment; customer integration and empowerment; enabling technologies for DER integration and application; storage technologies and multi-energy technologies, rural electrification and off-grid systems. Distribution generation, from conventional (diesel, gas turbines, CHP) to renewable resources (wind and solar) based generation, energy storage systems (battery energy storage, thermal and inertial storage), and demand response (controllable and curtailable loads). Areas of attention include:
- Enabling technologies for renewable and distributed energy resource integration and application: active network management, micro-grids, virtual power plants, distribution management systems (ADMS, DERMS), DER monitoring and control, aggregation systems, platforms, block-chain applications
- Innovative solutions for DER and distribution technology deployment: smart inverters and power electronic interfaces and interconnection device applications, MV/LV DC supply systems, distribution system modernization
- Storage technologies: deployment of various storage technologies such as electrochemical electric battery energy storage systems, flywheels, flow batteries, and new storage technologies, hydropower, hydrogen, multi-energy solutions (with thermal storage), power2X applications (power to heat, power to gas …), electric vehicles.
- New approaches to configure new distribution systems for enhanced reliability and resilience: islandable grid connected micro-grids, power exchange between micro-grids.
- Consumer integration and empowerment: Demand side integration and participation, demand response, load management, smart load, new customer sectors such as electric vehicles, smart home and smart meter applications with impact on distribution systems.
- Smart cities: integrated distribution system technologies, power, control and information and communication technology deployment for flexibility, integration of multi-energy systems.
- Rural Electrification, islanded power systems and individual customer off-grid systems and solutions.